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Review Published: July 30, 2018

That was so beautiful, Colleen Hoover!

You made me cry, scream, kick the air so bad, toss, turn and melt my heart with Quinn and Graham's roller coaster ride of a marriage. With all of their imperfections, they've managed to come out and become stronger than ever before.

Alright, if you haven't read All Your Perfects- please paddle back and go read this delight first.
I swear, the wait is worth it.



Can I rate it up to six stars? It was THAT beautiful, if you ask me.

The two leading protagonist met on a "not-so-conventional way", given the circumstance when they came face to face in the beginning of the book. I'd describe Graham as the calm before the storm due to his calmness and self-control throughout the story while Quinn appears to be strong, independent while being reserved and private.


I don't know how I managed to finish this book because all I can remember is being a ton of mess, disheveled and on a cluster fuck of boggled thoughts- in the best of ways.

I know how marriage is hard work but getting a real glimpse on Quinn and Graham's marriage, it started to open new windows for me, maybe things I haven't fully come to understand. Personally, I feel I might have a different experience if I were married but since I'm not, I'll allow myself as a single person to absorb and digest what I've learned throughout their journey together.

We do not marry someone because we expect them to be perfect, rather we've settled to ourselves that we can never truly be perfect- let alone in a marriage, a union of two flawed-people channeled with love, trust, security and fidelity. We marry someone because we not only see and admire at their brightest but we endure and patiently wait for them to get up when at their lowest, together.

This couple has touched me and even when things took the dive for the worst- they rose above and learned to be each other's own anchors.

"Our marriage hasn't been perfect. No marriage is perfect. There were times when she gave up on us. There were even more times when I gave up on us. The secret to our longevity is that we never gave up at the same time." 

Be brave, marry someone you're willing and strong enough to withstand weather Category 5 with them. 


If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim." 

Hands down, Quinn and Graham.
Hands down, Colleen Hoover. <3
